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Advancing and negotiating book
Advancing and Negotiating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Practical Toolkit
With great joy, I present my most recent book, Advancing and Negotiating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This book presents a negotiation framework based on network/collaborative governance principles in implementing the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Trialed in the classroom and workplace, the practical toolkit we developed gives the reader the tools necessary for facilitating future…
A Monumental Task
How Frank V. Zerunyan brought awareness of the Armenian genocide to Rolling Hills Estates by Bondo Wyszpolski Last year, a bronze memorial plaque and relief sculpture was placed on the grounds of Rolling Hills Estates City Hall. It commemorates the Armenian genocide of 1915. Does the city, or the Peninsula for that matter, have any…
The human tragedy in Ukraine is sadly not unique.
One must be only human to feel the pain and the misery of 1.5 million Ukrainians displaced from their homeland. Coincidentally that number represents the number of my displaced ancestors, marched into the desert, and slaughtered in the first major genocide of the 20th Century. As I see the images on my television screen of…
City of Rolling Hills Estates
The Value of Local Public Service
As I begin my 14th year of academic service at one of the best research universities and highly ranked public affairs schools in the nation, I want to reflect on the value of local public service as the antidote to many wicked challenges facing us today.  Democracy's Hope is in Cities Several years ago, I shared the podium…
Salute to Great Soldiers
“Old Glory”
This Blog article is dedicated to Colonel Sean McBride (US Marines ret.) and Commander Robert Hill (US Navy ret.) for their service and dedication. As a lawyer, I am trained to disagree but defend what I hate.  As an American by choice, I always hated those who desecrated the symbol of my freedom,…
Frank Zerunyan
My Conversation with General Stanley McChrystal
Several weeks ago, the Los Angeles World Affairs Council representatives contacted me to request my participation in their upcoming program on October 13, 2021. The program featured United States Army 4-star General Stanley McChrystal (ret) about his latest book, “Risk.” The organizers of this event had seen one of my lectures in a virtual webinar series here at USC Price. I…